Gilda Radner was a great actress who became known from her time with Saturday Night Live. In 1978 she won an Emmy Award for her performance on the show. Soon she went to Broadway and became the star of a show. She was a star on tv and Broadway, life was going great for her. She even married actor Gene Wilder. Then she developed ovarian cancer. As hard as she and the doctors tried, they couldn’t beat it.
However, through it all Gilda kept a wonderful attitude and she always had a smile on her face. Finally, it was obvious she was dying. Around this time a reporter came to interview her. During the interview he asked how she could keep up such a good spirit when at less than 40 years old she was dying. Gilda told the reporter, “In my life I’ve learned that not every poem rhymes and not every story has a clear beginning, middle, or ending. I hope that when people look at my life and into my eyes, they will see a twinkle like I’ve seen the face of God, because I really believe I have.”
I like to think Gilda Radner knew that life is going to happen and bring us things we have no control over but we get to chose how we react to what life brings.
That’s what matters really, how we respond to the good and not so good in life. You’ll be remembered by your choices in life. It's a new year and that's always a good time for new beginning. How will you react to what life will bring you this year? That’s a thought to ponder on.