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Our  Symbols

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Our National Flag

Our national flag is deep with meaning. The white field running through the flag symbolizes peace is around us. The black field in the middle symbolizes strength and the unknown. The blue field on the sides symbolizes purity. The National Symbol is in the middle emblazoned upon a shield. The National Symbol is a cross surrounded by two peace leaves and people united holding hands at the bottom of the cross. The National Symbol is not the same as the National Crest. Our National Flag was changed a little to make it easier on the cost of getting the flag made. The intricate detail on the flag before was proving to add cost. We then designed the new National Symbol, which we feels represents our Kingdom well, and placed it on our new national flag. This particular design, with the adding of the shield, was presented to the Royal Government on March 8th, 2021 by the King himself. 

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Our Second National Flag

This flag has the same meanings as our current national flag. This design was developed to make it easier on the cost of getting the flag made. The intricate detail on the flag on our first national flag was proving to add cost. We then designed the new National Symbol and placed it on our new national flag. This flag design was adopted at a special meeting with the King, The King's Council and The Senate on August 1st, 2018. It was ordered later that day. The debate and design for the new flag lasted about 7 months before finalized that day. In an effort to get our flag more well known this design was taken on a tour of the south and eastern United States. It made several stops and was flown for about 10 minutes at each stop. Some of these were The Mississippi State Capital Building grounds in Jackson, Mississippi; Castillo de San Marcos National Monument in St. Augustine, Florida; The Friendship Fountain in downtown Jacksonville, Florida; The Osceola National Forest visitor center near Lake City, Florida; also in Biloxi, Mississippi; Lafayette and Shreveport, Louisiana. The highest elevation this flag was flown at is 2,464 feet, on the top of Mt. Scott, Oklahoma. It was our national flag from August 1st, 2018 to March 8th, 2021.

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Our First National Flag

Our first national flag is pictured above. Again, the meaning throughout all the versions of our flags have not changed. On the first national flag though you will see it was designed with out national crest. This flag was adopted on Friday November 9th, 2007 and was in a transitional period until September 7th 2008. After that date, Flag Day, the new flag was to be flown as the official national flag, replacing our first flag. This design was our flag from November 9th, 2007 to August 1st, 2018.



Our First Flag

Our first flag is pictured above. Again, the meaning throughout all the versions of our flags have not changed. It is known as the informal flag now. You can still find it flying all over the kingdom. The Royal Government felt the need to change this from our flag and develop a new national flag after a few other miconations emerged and claimed the same flag as theirs. The informal flag is mainly used around the kingdom for historical attachment reasons and the government no longer uses it internationally to represent the kingdom. This design was chosen by the king and approved by the Senate in the late evening hours of September 6th, 2000. It was not first flown until the next day, September 7th, 2000. For the first time, one this day, we had a symbol of our Kingdom. This later motivated the adoption of September 7th as Flag Day and was approved as a holiday by the Senate and signed into law by the King. 


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Our National Crest

Our national crest is pictured above. It is a shield with the national colors on it, with two peace leaves crossed at the bottom and circling up around a crown and cross in the center. The cross symbolizes our belief and trust in the Lord, our God, and the crown symbolizes the king and country and the governments form. The iron mask on top of the shield symbolizes the strength and protection the government provides for its people.




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Flag of the Royal Fristehen Army

Pictured above is the flag of the Royal Fristehen Army. The flag was adopted on August 18th, 2017. Prior to this the Royal Army did not have their own flag, they just had their official crest. The flag is similar to the crest in many ways. The red represents the sacrifice of blood and life to the nation. The white stripes symbolize the hope that peace will hold steady and prevent bloodshed. The bear symbolizes strength, cunning, and ferocity in the protection of one's home. Like a bear an army is bulky and may come across as a sluggish moving body. However, bears are known and strong fighters that can take many hits and when in a fight they can move quickly and cunningly, like an army. Recently many soldiers have expressed that they would like a new flag with a better design. They petitioned to the King, and he agreed to hear their grievances. The King agreed to accept new design concepts. So currently the flag may be replaced soon. The King and the RFA Command are accepting new designs and considering replacing the flag. 



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The Crest of the Royal Fristehen Army

The Crest of the Royal Fristehen Army is the official symbol of the army. It is a shield, red in color that represents the sacrifice of blood and life to the nation. The white stripe is to symbolize the hope that peace will hold steady and prevent bloodshed. The bear symbolizes strength, cunning, and ferocity in the protection of one's home. The bomb is a symbol to honor any soldier who has dared to face the terror of weapons in a battle. The armor helmet on the top symbolizes wisdom and security in defense; strength, protection, and invulnerability. The shield is surrounded by a mantling which displays the colors red and grey. The is to honor all soldiers of early history, their blood and armor.

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